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Key Information

Annual Members’ Subscriptions by PayPal or Credit Card


New Members and Those Renewing after a Year or More’s Absence
Please follow the instructions under Paying Your Subscription below, and then please send us an email telling us that you are a new member or are renewing after a long time. Welcome to Friends of the Chalet School.

Those Renewing your Annual Subscription
You do not need to send us an email to say that you have renewed. Just please follow the instructions under Paying Your Subscription below. Thank you for renewing.

An Annual Subscription Gives You Four Magazines 
You will be sent the May 2025, August 2025, November 2025 and February 2026 magazines. Your subscription will become due again after you have received the February 2026 magazine.

Paying your subscription
In order to pay your subscription by PayPal or Credit Card, please add your first name and surname into the box provided next to your country of residence. If you are paying by credit card – just keep going –  it does work!

If you are a new member, or lapsed (over 12 months) please let us know by sending a separate e-mail to

United Kingdom

Annual subscription: £14.00
Please select your subscription


Rest of the World

Annual subscription: £21.00
Please select your subscription


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